WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source
Pressestimmen “Alisa is a management guru for the female body. She makes hormonal health approachable and fun!” (KRIS CARR, New York Times bestselling author of Crazy Sexy Kitchen)“Alisa is a thought leader when it comes to providing women with the healthcare they really need. Her revolutionary approach will transform your body and your life. More GYN’s should prescribe WomanCode to their patients.” (DR. FRANK LIPMAN, founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center, author of Revive)“Alisa Vitti’s approachable blend of the science of hormones with healthy food and lifestyle choices creates a vibrant, radiant you from the inside out. Alisa’s WomanCode method reminds us there is always movement in balance and helps us find the ease in our constantly changing cycle.” (TARA STILES, founder of Strala Yoga and bestselling author of Yoga Cures and Slim Calm Sexy Yoga)“Alisa Vitti is my go-to hormone expert and yes, us younger women need one! She has helped me with my cycle, my skin, and my energy―all with food!” (GABRIELLE BERNSTEIN, New York Times bestselling author of May Cause Miracles)“WomanCode is a brilliant nutrition program for all of the hormonal challenges that prevent women from looking and feeling their best. Let Alisa guide you to eat right from your brain to your ovaries and start feeling better!” (JJ VIRGIN, New York Times bestselling author of The Virgin Diet)“Vitti teaches you to unlock the WomanCode so you can control your hormones, rather than letting them control you. You’ll be able to take your health into your own hands and relish being a woman instead of cursing your gender. A must-read for any woman motivated to heal herself!” (DR. LISSA RANKIN, OB/GYN, author of Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself)“WomanCode is an extraordinary food-based prescription for your period, fertility, and lackluster sex drive. Vitti is breaking new ground by replacing our broken system of women’s health with her novel approach. Doctors, prescribe Vitti’s system to your patients!” (DR. SARA GOTTFRIED, OB/GYN, author of The Hormone Cure)“WomanCode addresses the underlying causes to your most challenging reproductive and hormonal symptoms and gives you jewels that work to restore you. In her elegant and effective food-based functional nutrition protocol, Alisa Vitti, shows you how you can have your hormones working for you, not against you!” (DR. ANNA CABECA, DO, OB/GYN, FACOG)“Your sex drive needs to be fed properly for it to thrive. While bioidentical hormones may help, WomanCode shows you how interconnected your hormonal health truly is and how you can improve your mood and libidio from the inside out!” (DR. JENNIFER LANDA, MD, OB/GYN, author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women)“In WomanCode, Alisa Vitti connects the dots between our hormones, our cycles, our symptoms and how we can all achieve the health and the body we deserve without harsh diets or impossible workouts. Women must learn how their insides determine their outsides.” (ARY NUNEZ, Nike athlete, NFL trainer, founder of ArysAmerica.com) Buchrückseite A proven system to naturally eliminate problems with your period, improve your fertility, and get your body, mood, and sex drive back.The prescriptive program in WomanCode has successfully helped thousands of women regulate their periods, clear up their skin, lose weight, alleviate PMS, get pregnant naturally, have more successful IVF, restore their energy, improve their moods, and have better sex.Vitti's revolutionary five-step program gives you the tools you need to: Work in harmony with your body's natural rhythms Minimize the impact of toxins in the environment, your diet, and the products that you use Target and support the parts of your endocrine function (blood sugar, adrenals, elimination, or reproduction) that need attention Tap into the immensely transformative power of your feminine energyThe WomanCode protocol gives women from their teenage years to perimenopause the keys to unlock their hormone health and to make their whole bodies thrive. Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP (Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners) founded the FLO Living Center in Manhattan ten years ago after experiencing the many frustrating health symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome and then healing herself through food and lifestyle changes. She received degrees from Johns Hopkins University and the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.
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